The cyberattack on JPMorgan Chase that enabled the largest known American bank intrusion to date could have been prevented with a simple security fix, according to new data. A report from the New York Times identifies ...
While scrolling through your Facebook News Feed this holiday season, you probably encountered the typical statuses from friends: photographs of families opening gifts and inevitably, a few «Year in Review» posts, a photo slide of highlights ...
Your book list is going to get a bit longer. For 2015, we want to shine a light on a few diverse authors whom everyone should know. Though not perfectly comprehensive, we’ve highlighted writers who demand ...
Were you fooled? I certainly was. Steven Moffat, erstwhile trickster and Doctor Who showrunner, led us to believe we were in for our schmaltziest, least-believable Doctor Who Christmas special yet. Instead, we were treated to a ...
Oculus Rift creator Palmer Luckey doesn’t think the just-announced Gear VR mobile virtual reality headset he’s building for Samsung is going to compete with his Oculus Rift headset, which is still not available to the public. ...
La Fiscalía Provincial Corporativa Especializada contra la Criminalidad Organizada de Huaura – Equipo 2, junto a personal de la Dirección de Inteligencia PNP ...
Estarían relacionados a la actividad ilícita contra la administración pública. La Fiscalía Superior Transitoria Especializada en Extinción de Dominio de Lima logró que ...
Paro nacional revela abandono, pero pacientes denuncian maltrato y desinterés. Los trabajadores exigen mejoras laborales legítimas, pero los asegurados exigen respeto y humanidad ...
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